Thursday, July 25, 2013

How did I get here?!

I technically know how to answer this.

Flights From:

  • Kota Kinabalu to Kuala Lumpur

  • Kuala Lumpur to China

  • China to Los Angeles

  • Los Angeles to Minneapolis
But, as five days have passed being home in the United States...I find myself in shock and disbelief.

1. How does my room have all of this STUFF in it
  • What can I possibly use all this STUFF for?

2. Where did my new handsome nephew come from?  How about my tiny new niece who is only a week old?
  • I took Family and Consumer Science in High School so I also know this technical answer...but out of two nieces and one nephew...I have missed the birth of them all.  At least I saw and touched the pregnant belly that was my first niece.  These last two we far fetched realities for me while I was in Malaysia.
3. Where's the rice?
  • My body and I are missing our two-three daily portions of rice.  But- my mom DID cook brown rice for supper tonight!
4.  At least in Malaysia I had a cell phone!

5. What? People sleep in rooms by themselves?
  • I miss my Malaysian roommate Hailley
6. Don' worry my Malaysian friends (especially the pastors) and my Grandma Geri-- the doctor took a look at my face
  • Filled my prescription drug today and will be going to the dermatologist soon
  • (No need to worry anymore!)
7. I can drive?!
  • Perfect!-- I stayed in the right side of the road and everything!
  • The air-con is it's almost like I can experience Malaysian heat in my car!
  • I could go for a car buddy to sing along to the radio with or fake speak Chinese....kawan..
8. Washing Machine
  • Today I washed my clothes and didn't have to scrub them with a brush first 
  • Also...the water fills by itself! Not you sticking a hose in it and waiting until its full!

My time or transition is going fairly smooth!  I've been staying awake during the days and sleeping at nights.  I don't think 5:30 is obscenely early, so I will take it!  I think of my Malaysian friends and family everyday and am so grateful for them and all that they have done for me over the last 11 months.  They have taught me so much and filled my heart with joy.  Now I can take what they have taught me

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